Cameron Dumas

Developer - Home Automator - Father - Adventurer

Home automation and development are only the tip of the iceburg for me. I would characterize myself as more of a creator, be it in software or the physical world. Building things is my passion.

TailBliss Hero

From the blog

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Kids & Chores - Finding the right device

I started my journey of building the best chore chart dashboard by finding a device that could meet all the requirements.

Cameron Dumas

Cameron Dumas

0 min read
Kids & Chores

Finding the perfect chore chart is harder than you think. Finding something simple and easy was hard so I build my own.

Cameron Dumas

Cameron Dumas

3 min read
New Horizons

As a developer I would rather be coding and solving problems. The problem is that I quickly forget everything after I am done. Today that changes as I endevor to write a blog.

Tags: Blog
Cameron Dumas

Cameron Dumas

1 min read